Lucky for you, we have the answer and the answers to any Pinterest profile viewing questions within this article, so read along and find out whether or not someone can see if you view their Pinterest profile.
Can Someone See If You View Their Pinterest Profile?
Unfortunately or fortunately no, Pinterest does not give its users a direct way to see who has viewed their profile. However, Pinterest does suggest “Pinners” that you may be interested in, which means that there is somewhat of a hint of who may have viewed your Pinterest profile. Though these suggestions are derived from similarities between “Pins,” which are Pinterest’s equivalent of posts, so you cannot be sure that someone has viewed your profile, nor can they be sure that you viewed their Pinterest profile. Remember that Pinterest allows all of its users to share and explore new ideas and interests, and when someone does share with Pinterest users, it is known as “pinning.” These “pins” typically take the form of pictures and videos, and these “pins” are pinned to the user’s personal board. The user’s boards are categorized according to the theme they represent; these pins also typically redirect back to the original website—this way, the origin of the video or pictures can constantly be revisited by another user.
Can You See Who Views Your Pinterest Profile?
Unfortunately no, there is no way to directly see when someone views your Pinterest profile; also, Pinterest does not provide any option to see who has viewed your profile. As previously mentioned, Pinterest does suggest other users that may be interested in your Pinterest profile. When Pinterest suggests “pinners” (other Pinterest users), it will typically derive this information from pins that you have previously liked in the past. With the previous information in mind, when you are exploring new pins to like, and Pinterest suggests pinners that you may be interested in following, you can likely tell that they are derived from previous pins that you have liked. This genuinely is an excellent way to discover new pins and pinners alike while also providing a good way to gather a “following.”
Is There A Pinterest Viewing Profile Notification?
Unfortunately no, there is no direct notification on Pinterest that will tell its users if their profile has been viewed. Did you know that Pinterest is being accessed by over 431 million people on a monthly basis? It is true; furthermore, people from all over the world use Pinterest as a picture-focused search engine; there are also many “pinners” who are users of Pinterest. Similarly to any social media app, the users of the Pinterest app would be wise to figure out what exactly their audience wants to see. So it is only natural that, as a pinner, you would like to know who is visiting your Pinterest profile since this insight can help you figure out who or what category is your primary audience. With that said, unfortunately, Pinterest has no notification to let you know when someone visits your profile.
How To Know If Someone Views Your Pinterest Profile
An excellent way to get an idea if someone has viewed your Pinterest profile is to check who has repinned your pins, which you can see by checking your Pinterest analytics. Unfortunately, in order to see these Pinterest analytics, you will need to own a Pinterest business account, and you must also have your website verified on Pinterest. While it may seem like a lot, this is how Pinterest can track the users that have clicked on your pins and have saved your pins from your verified website. To convert your personal Pinterest account into a business account, you will want to log into your Pinterest account with your appropriate credentials. Once you are logged into your Pinterest account, then you can go to the “Pinterest for Business” section. While you are in this section, you should see a big red button that, by pressing it, your personal account will be converted into a business account. Once you have converted your personal account into a business account, then you will want to get your website verified on Pinterest, which you can do so by following the steps provided below.
To Get Your Website Verified On Pinterest
Step 1. The first thing you will want to do is log into your Pinterest profile, then go to your profile page and select the “Edit” option. Step 2. Once you have done that, then you can navigate to the “Settings,” and on the settings options menu, you will want to select the “Claim” option. Step 3. Next, you should select the “Confirm Website” option, and then you will want to copy the code that it will provide. Step 4. Once you have copied the code, then you can add the code to your website’s head section. Step 5. Then back on Pinterest, you will want to click on the “Finish” option. By correctly following the steps provided above, your Pinterest business account should be verified, or rather, your website should be claimed. Now that you have a business account and have claimed your website, you can now check who has repinned your pins. This is also a roundabout method to check who has seen your profile and/or pins. The first set of steps we will share with you will be the “old-school” method of checking who has seen your profile and/or pins. Step 1. The first thing you will want to do is log into your business account on Pinterest. Step 2. Once you are logged into your Pinterest business account, then you will want to tap on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right-hand corner, which will reveal the Pinterest search bar. Step 3. Enter this line in the search box. Simply replace with the URL of your claimed website. Step 4. Once you have entered the text into the Pinterest search bar, go ahead and hit “Enter” on your keyboard to show the results. As previously mentioned, this is the “old” way of checking who has seen your profile and/or pin, but luckily, there is a new way of tracking engagements on only your original pins. This method does not include pins that do not link back to your claimed website; another fantastic feature of this method is that you will not need to memorize URLs. Follow the steps provided below to see who has interacted with your pins. Step 1. The first thing you should do is log into your business account on Pinterest. Step 2. Next, you will want to select your profile picture, which is located in the upper right-hand corner of your screen. Step 3. Once you have reached the next page, you should see a tab under your profile name titled as “Created,” go ahead and select this tab. Step 4. Under the “Created” tab, you can view your pins, and you can also view the stats for each pin by selecting the pin. Step 5. You can also view more detailed info for the pin by selecting the “See More” link. By correctly following the steps provided above, you can view in-depth stats for your pins, and you can see stats such as who had repinned your pins, when they were repinned, other Pinterest profiles that they follow, and along with the categories and interests they follow. By viewing these analytics, you can make an educated guess as to whether or not someone has viewed your Pinterest profile.
Can You Use Third-Party Apps To Find Out?
Unfortunately, no; while there are very few apps to show you Pinterest analytics, Pinterest has actually come out with its own analytics tool, which was described in the last segment of this article and you can refer to for use. With that said, there are websites that you can use to find new pins, measure your influence, and find the top pinners, which could possibly help you to figure out who may have viewed your Pinterest profile.
#1 Pinalyzer
Pinalyzer has been around for a while now, yet it still remains a valuable tool. On this website, you can find new pins while using their “Smart Suggest Tool,” find the top pinners, measure your influence and also monitor the popularity of photos that are in current rotation. This easy-to-use tool can help you since its algorithm is calibrated to make the most out of the site’s unique platform.
#2 Piqora
You may have heard of this app previously, as it was formerly known as “Pinfluence.” With this helpful tool app, you can monitor the sharing of your pins and the reach of your account, along with tracking and launching promotions and contests. You can even request the demo to see the features they offer and how they have reinvented themselves under their new title, “Piqora.”
#3 Curalate
With this app, advanced image analytics is their primary focus. Another feature of this tool app is the ability to apply social listening tools to Pinterest. With this app, you can optimize your social influence and customize promotions and marketing campaigns. At the time of this article, the app is still in demo mode; even so, it still features intensively.
Does Pinterest Notify When You View Someone’s Profile?
No, Pinterest offers no such notification when you view someone’s profile or when someone views your profile. As to whether this is a good thing or not is entirely up to you. While Pinterest may not have any notification for when someone views your profile; however, Pinterest will notify you when someone interacts with your pins, such as by liking the pin or sharing the pin.
What Happens When You View Someone’s Pinterest Profile?
Pinterest may not have a notification for when someone views your profile; however, when someone goes onto your Pinterest profile, they can see some things. When someone views your Pinterest profile, they can see who is following you along with your boards, your topics, and the people who you follow. Anyone can view your profile; however, only you can see your secret boards when you view your own profile. While it is true that anyone can view your Pinterest profile, if you block a Pinterest profile, they will not be able to view your profile, and they will only see your profile picture. Also, if you block a Pinterest profile, they will not be able to message you, follow you, or interact with your pins. The fact remains that there will be no notification when someone views your Pinterest profile or when you view someone else’s profile. Knowing who has viewed your Pinterest profile may help you gain insight into who your main audience is; however, maybe it is best that you cannot see the views. Pinterest is an excellent picture-based search engine that helps inspire many people, and it gives its users the opportunity to both share their ideas and gather ideas from others. The concept that Pinterest uses is both unique and refreshing; also, with it being released in 2010, it is impressive that it is still holding the attention of its users. We hope you found an answer to your question in this article, and if you did, consider sharing this feature with a friend or family member that could possibly use such information. Above all else, try to enjoy the features that Pinterest offers and engage yourself with other creators, as when you work with others, you only stand to benefit from the interaction. With that said, there are users you may not want to work/engage with, and in such a situation, you will want to remember the block feature on Pinterest.